Sex Therapy

Sex therapy helps you find solutions to sexual problems, and answers to the important questions our sexual relationships lead us to ask: what makes you feel alive? what do you long for? is it worth risking friendship and security for passion? Is there something wrong because I don’t like sex at all, or I like sex too much, or I only like a certain kind of sex, or because things don’t work the way they’re supposed to? I have been helping people find answers to these questions for 15 years.

Common concerns people see me about are:
  • infidelities and affairs, both past and present
  • pornography use that has become a problem
  • a loss of passion and desire
  • worry that you are disappointing your partner sexually
  • no longer feeling attracted to your partner
  • difficulties achieving and maintaining erections
  • ejaculating too quickly or too slowly
  • not experiencing orgasm
  • feeling compelled to engage in particular sexual acts or being fixated on certain images that leave you feeling badly about yourself or that harm your relationships. This might include compulsive pornography use, on-line dating and chat sites, re-occurring sexual encounters of various sorts, or other behaviours that feel out of your control.
  • questions about sexual orientation and gender identity and how to create supportive relationships and communities.

I recognize it can be awkward to talk about your sex life, and I use humour to create a fun and playful spaces. There is very little you can say that will shock me or that I will judge. My goal is to re-connect you to sensuality, sexuality, passion and self-control. I strive to help you live in accordance with your values, whatever those values may be.

The sex therapy I provide is supportive of the entire range of diverse and varied sexual values, practices and communities. My ways of working are also supportive of people who are not interested in having sex right now.


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